Definition of book blurb

Blurb distinct from the back book cover blurb is this 12 line endorsement of a book by a celebrity or another author that sits on the book s front cover. Today, blurbs are common on pretty much every book. Blurb definition is a short publicity notice as on a book jacket. More example sentences indian, not native american, is how his book blurbs describe him. This is what youll see in lightroom when using the book module.

How to write an interesting bio blurb this is a satirical article. See here, the definitions of the word blurb, as video and text. The definition of a blurb is a short advertisement, announcement or description. In order to promote a book, the publishers printed a resume on the dust jacket. Page bleed and text safe area heres a page in a lightroom book with the guides turned on. The blurb is a promotional description, found on the back of the book. Your final blurb printed book will print in all its fullresolution glory. A blurb is a short description of a book that is written for promotional purposes. Usually its in reference to a newspaper article that briefly mentions a barely newsworthy item. A blurb is just a short written peice about something. Blurbs were originally printed on the back or rear dustjacket of a book, and are now found on web portals and news websites. This video from new york times bestseller alessandra torre details why your books blurb is crucially important and shares her easy equation for creating one.

When you hear about authors being asked to blurb a book, its this endorsement theyve been asked to provide. Dictionary term of the day articles subjects businessdictionary business dictionary. It should introduce your main characters, give an insight on conflict, depict genre and arouse interest. How to write a blurb definition, examples, and more. More frequently though, a blurb is used to describe the pitch you make in the query letter. It may be written by the author or publisher or quote praise from others. Traditionally, it would be found on the inside back cover of a hardback. When a new release is on the way, we face the same question. Synonyms for blurb at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions.

Keep in mind at all times the blurb is what sells the book, so. Apr 03, 2019 more frequently though, a blurb is used to describe the pitch you make in the query letter. Burgess adds a note after the definitions which gives clarification. Heres a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Before i buy a book, i always read the blurb on the back cover. A short description of a book, film, musical work, or other product written and used for promotional purposes blurb meaning. The blurb says that this is tarantinos greatest movie. Publishers summary and recommendation of a book, printed usually on the front flap of the book s dust jacket, or in an advertisement or catalog. How to write a blurb definition, examples, and more blurb blog. A blurb is a short piece of writing that describes or summarizes something longer and more complicated. The key with fiction is to excite and engage your reader. Blurbs synonyms, blurbs pronunciation, blurbs translation, english dictionary definition of blurbs.

Even the patron saint of teenage girls, judy blume, is featured on the back cover with a blurb for the book. The author got all his friends to write blurbs for his book. Blurbs definition of blurbs by the free dictionary. Wikipedia, lexilogos, oxford, cambridge, chambers harrap, wordreference, collins lexibase dictionaries, merriam webster. The blurb about a new book, film, or exhibition is information about it that is written in order to attract peoples interest. How to write a book blurb in 4 steps the opening of your blurb has to be incredibly precise and dynamic, says editor rebecca heyman. Examples of blurbs to share in your primary classroom. Publishers summary and recommendation of a book, printed usually on the front flap of the books dust jacket, or in an advertisement or catalog. Blurb is an american selfpublishing platform that enables their users to create, selfpublish, promote, share, and sell their own print and ebooks. How to create a back book cover blurb that sells i just published a guest post which goes into this with some examples. Search blurb and thousands of other words in english definition and synonym dictionary from reverso. It uses twilight as an example, but dont hold that against me. Top synonyms for blurb other words for blurb are advertisement, publicity and poster.

For a lot of firsttime authors, i think theres an instinct to make sure readers understand everything that happened in the book s universe before the beginning of the actual story. Blurbs were originally printed on the back or rear dustjacket of a book, and are now found on dvd and video cases, web portals, and news websites. Synonyms for blurb include ad, advertisement, announcement, brief, bumf, commendation, description, details, gloss and info. Generally, 150200 words are more than enough for a full blurb. Mar, 2020 a short description of a book, film, or other work, written and used for promotional purposes. How to write a blurb definition, examples, and more blurb. If you are like those of us here at blurb, then your mind never wanders too far from the comforting thought of books.

A blurb is a short summary accompanying a creative work. The word blurb, meaning a short description of a book, film, or other product written for promotional purposes, was coined by burgess in 1907, in attributing the cover copy of his book, are you a bromide. When writing a novel, there are few selling tools as important as a solidly written book blurb. Then, write 12 additional sentences that explain the plot of the story in a general way. Trim guides and page bleed in lightroom help center. A blurb may introduce a newspaper or magazine feature story. A blurb is a short promotional piece accompanying a piece of creative work. A short description of a book, film, or other product written for promotional purposes. Coined by gelett burgess 18661951, american humorist. But the word blurb came about in 1907 with the publication of a book by humorist, nonsense verse writer, and san francisco bohemian gelett burgess. Information and translations of blurb in the most comprehensive. Blurb, founded in 2005, is a creative publishing and marketing platform that makes it easy to design, publish, market, and sell professionalquality print books and ebooks. The blurb is the description of your book in your query letter. The blurb on the book jacket promised action, thrills, adventure, and romance.

Murrow and other leading radio personalities blurbed the book, published in 1950 by oxford university press, and siepmann thanked paul lazarsfeld and herta herzog in his acknowledgments further reading. These may be used for an interview, a book jacket, or even an event program in which you are a presenter. Many humorous books and films parody blurbs that deliver exaggerated praise by unlikely people and insults disguised as praise. Nov 15, 2019 when you need to write a blurb for a movie, book, or other project, start by writing a clever and catchy hook that introduces some of the characters and setting of the topic. As paperback publishing developed, readers began seeing the blurb appearing on the back cover. Define blurb by websters dictionary, wordnet lexical database, dictionary of computing, legal dictionary, medical dictionary, dream dictionary. A blurb is the one to three paragraphs you use to describe the book, similar to cover copy. Park, the international history of communication study page 268 edward r. If you want instruction on how to write a professional biography from someone who actually cares.

The blurb about a new book, film, or exhibition is information about it that is written. We all have our favorite authors, our lifechanging reads, and our massive collections of everything from wellworn novels and biographies to beautiful coffeetablestyle art books. Blurb offers book making tools catering to diverse digital skills. If you want to purchase or sell a pdf version of your book, use our instant pdf option. A good friend of mine who was also my publisher at one time, wrote on the blurb of my book that my stories were about womens lives. The word was created as a joke in 1907, but quickly became a practical habit for publishers hoping to sell books. Ignore the photo cells and filler text options for now. A short description of a book, movie, or other product written for promotional purposes and appearing on the cover of a book or in an advertisement. You can complete the definition of blurb given by the english definition dictionary with other english dictionaries. His definition of blurb is a flamboyant advertisement. Mar 18, 2012 one of the things an author is expected to do from timetotime is to produce at least a short biographical blurb. You should not use the pdf proof for printing through blurb. Blurb definition, a brief advertisement or announcement, especially a laudatory one. Notice the opaque grey shaded area on the very outer edge the page bleed and the inner thin grey line the text safe.

A blurb is a short promotional piece accompanying a creative work. However, the paperback also provides its own lofi, approachable, and highly flexible esthetic. You might browse in the library, reading blurbs on the backs of books to help you choose what to check out. Mar 17, 2019 blurb noun a short description of a book, film, or other work, written and used for promotional purposes. In the world of book aficionados, hardcover books tend to be highly regarded, based on the attention given to material design, paper quality, and page design. Blurb definition and meaning collins english dictionary. You might browse in the library, reading blurbs on the backs of books. How to write the perfect blurb examples, formula, opening. Blurbs were originally printed on the back or rear dustjacket of a book, and. It may refer to the text on the back of a book but can also be seen on dvd and video cases, web portals and news websites. The blurb equation how to write a kickbutt blurb youtube. The pdf proof file should not be used for digital distribution because it is a lowresolution, watermarked copy. Sep 12, 2018 a blurb is a short description of a book that is written for promotional purposes. Blurb definition in the cambridge english dictionary.

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